CDN market 1

Cloudflare vs Fastly – Which One is Best to Use?


Cloudflare and Fastly are the best CDNs and they are competing with each other. Cloudflare is a combination of the network of security and performance. This network increases the speed of the websites. Cloudflare also provides security to websites and applications. Fastly is also providing CDN to users. With the help of this CDN, it is offering a secure, fast and scalable online experience to the users. You can use it on the individual as well as on the combined enterprise websites. There are lots of differences between Cloudflare and Fastly.


Benefits of Fastly

Fastly has lots of benefits. The most important benefits of Fastly are given below;

  • You can use it as faster storefront delivery. It means that you can fast up the delivery of the custom content. It is also offering ESI to users. With the help of this feature, the users can mix and match the static and dynamic content. Essay writing service firm said It will work as a hole-punching. It injects only visitor-specific HTML before uploading the whole webpage for the users.
  • The users can also use it as an instant content update. This essential feature allows users to retrieve accurate content across the multi-channels. For this reason, it is offering a set of surrogate keys. These surrogate keys allow users to purge related sets of keys instantly.
  • It is also protecting against the traffic spikes. It means that it can handle heavy traffic during the peak holidays, flash sales and attack of the hackers. The users can also use it to minimize the origin of traffic based on the content of their websites.
  • The users can easily install it. If you want to install its free and open-source extension, it takes less than 30 minutes. After installing its free and open-source extension, you can also get benefits of its standard customer support.


Benefits of Cloudflare

Cloudflare is offering unique CDN services to the users. Its unique CDN services are available with an advanced security system. The most important benefits of Cloudflare are given below;

  • Cloudflare is offering a single-click application setting to the users. It means that you can optimize and secure the websites just with the help of a single click.
  • It is providing advanced security to the users. For this reason, they have introduced the WAF security system. They are also offering free SSL certificate to the users to enhance the security of their websites.
  • We are using images to optimize webpages of the websites for SEO. According to a report, the content of a webpage consists of 60% images. If we don’t optimize these images properly, these images enhance the performance of these webpages. Cloudflare is also optimizing the images of a website. For this reason, it is resizing the image files. As a result, it optimizes the loading time of a website.
  • Its services are available 24/7. As a result, it distributes the load of your website over multiple servers. For example, if one of the servers of your website is down, viewers can get access to your website by connecting to another server. Therefore, it is the best CDN for load balancing.
  • It optimizes the network routing of a website. For this reason, they have introduced a new feature ‘Argo’. It is lowering down the latency of your website. After lowering down the latency of your website, it is providing the best user experience via a faster and secure route.


CDN market


Cloudflare vs Fastly

After knowing the benefits of these two networks, we can compare the most important features of these two networks. The main differences between Cloudflare and Fastly are given below;

  • Performance

Fastly is offering a remarkable CDN service to the users. For this reason, it is offering lots of decent features to the users. The most important features of this CDN service are instant-purging and real-time analytics. These decent features make it the best CDN service. To enhance the performance of the websites, they have also placed quality PoPs. It has also the ability to enhance the performance of the websites by using API content. Cloudflare is also famous among the users due to its excellent performance. The mobile optimization feature of this CDN service is also remarkable.

  • Security

Fastly is not offering anything exceptional to enhance the security of the websites. If you have installed this extension on your website, you will get the basic security features. You can save your website against the DDoS attacks and other security threats. On the other hand, Cloudflare is offering the best security features to the users. In its advanced security features, there come optimization functionalities of JS, HTML and CSS. Moreover, it is also offering free SSL certificate to secure the websites. It means that users can get free basic security features. To avail the advanced security features, they have to buy their premium plans.

  • Customer Support

Fastly is offering a community forum to the users. Along with this community forum, you can also use its 24/7 customer support service. If you want to get access to their customer representatives by using their 24/4 customer support service, you will have to send emails. It is a slow process. On the other hand, Cloudflare is offering the best 24/7 customer support service. This 24/7 customer support service is available via emails and calls. It means that it is a fast process. Now, the problem is that this customer support service is available for paid customers only. If you are using their free version, you can’t get access to their customer representatives.


Cloudflare vs Fastly – Which One is Best to Use?

Fastly is not the best CDN service. Anyhow, it is increasing the customer base by offering lots of dynamic features. Moreover, it is also offering pay-per-usage billing to users. Therefore, if your website’s traffic is fluctuating, Fastly is the best choice for you. On the other hand, Cloudflare is leading the CDN market due to lots of features. It is offering the best performance than Fastly. Cloudflare is offering the best security features to the users. It is also providing quick solutions to the problems of the customers. Therefore, Cloudflare is the best to use than Fastly.